1 paper ball make of crumpled paper and tape
1 trash can with a clean bag in it
1 table
1 roll of tape
Before Class:
Make a list
of questions from anything that you have taught during the week. I try to
include vocabulary words, questions about the novel or any readings that we
have been reading, and questions about any skills or strategies that we having
been working on. Sometimes, I put a word
bank on the board. Arrange the chairs into two rows facing each other. Put a
table at one end of the rows with the trash can on top of the table.
Use the tape
to mark the floor about 15 ft. away from the table with the trashcan. This is
your free throw line.
Free throw line I Table
Rules/ Directions:
1. Have one student from each row come
to the free throw line.
2. Go over the rules with the class.
a. All bottoms must remain on their
seats at all times.
b. A bottom off of the seat will cost
the team one point penalty reduction.
c. The first student to answer the
question correctly will get 1 point for their team and will be given a free
throw shot.
d. If the ball goes in the team get 2
bonus points.
e. The team with the most points at the
end will be the winner.
3. Once all of the students have had a
turn to answer a question this ends round one. Have the first person in one row
move to the last seat in that row and everyone else move up a seat. This way
the students will now be facing another opponent. Do this every time using the
same row of students to move up one.
Created By: Deane Murphy
More to come stay tuned!